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Warrior of Justice Award
Harold Gurewitz received the Warrior of Justice Award in 2011 from the Legal Aid & Defender Association.
Gurewitz Successful in Historic Death Penalty Trial
Harold Gurewitz successfully represented his client in a three month federal death penalty trial. His client was charged with murder committed during an armored car robbery. Gurewitz and his team of attorneys obtained a “life” verdict from the jury for their client where the primary issue was the prosecution’s demand for the death penalty.
Gurewitz Obtains A Not Guilty Verdict in Notable Firearms Case
Harold Gurewitz obtained a “not guilty” verdict from a federal jury for a local area licensed firearms dealer who was charged with selling a firearm with an obliterated serial number to one of his customers.
Gurewitz Participates in White Collar Crime Seminar
On April 13, 2011, Harold Gurewitz participated as an expert panelist at a Wayne State University seminar on “Corporate Citizenship and White Collar Crime in the Age of Enron and Madoff” at the Wayne State University Law School, along with United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, Barbara McQuade and Wayne State University Law School Professor Peter J. Henning. The event was hosted by the Center for the Study of Citizenship. Co-sponsors included the Federal Bar Association, Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association, and Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan.
Gurewitz spoke based on his experience prosecuting and defending white collar cases, the implications of corporate prosecutions on the criminal justice system, and recommendations for future white collar criminal prosecutions.
Raben Honored by Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan
Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan (CDAM) awarded Margaret Sind Raben the “President’s Award” at its annual spring conference on March 18, 2011. Raben, who served as President of CDAM from 2007-2009, was honored for her service to the organization, commitment to justice, and tireless advocacy in the criminal defense community.
Raben Honored by National Lawyers Guild
Margaret Sind Raben received the “Defender of Justice Award” from the National Lawyers Guild. Raben was honored for her successful representation of her client in one of the first terrorism trials held after September 11, 2001.
Gurewitz Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from Congregation T’chiyah
On November 21, 2010, Harold Gurewitz and his wife, attorney Mary Ellen Gurewitz, received the Kaplan Social Justice Award from Congregation T’chiyah. Gurewitz, who also has served as President of the congregation, was honored for professionally and personally championing causes for justice.
Raben Honored by Families Against Mandatory Minimums
Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) honored Margaret Sind Raben on March 18, 2011 for her steadfast advocacy of reforming Michigan’s mandatory minimum penalty laws. Raben serves as Michigan Policy Advisor for FAMM. The group also awarded her the “Justice Leadership Award” in 2003.
Raben Awarded Warrior of Justice Award
In 2016, the Metropolitan Justice Center of Southeastern Michigan awarded Margaret Sind Raben the Frank D. Eaman Warrior of Justice Award.
Meet Our Attorneys
Protecting Your Best Interests at All TimesContact Our Criminal Defense Law Firm
Gurewitz & Raben, PLC builds strong defenses for clients by thoroughly reviewing every aspect of your case, speaking to witnesses, and analyzing all evidence against you for weaknesses. We represent clients in criminal cases related to:
Our attorneys have the passion, knowledge, and conviction needed to try even the most difficult cases before a judge or jury.
Whether the charge you face is simple or complex, Gurewitz & Raben, PLC has the legal savvy needed to see your case through from start to finish. Reach out to our office online to schedule a free initial consultation with a member of our firm.